Friday, May 9, 2008

Anime: Dennou Coil

Dennou Coil


Dennou Coil is set in a fictional city of Daikoku in an age where augmented reality (AR) technology has just begun to enter the mainstream. Daikoku is mostly AR, that is city-wide virtual reality! The story follows kids who use "glasses" that enables them to see the virtual side of their city. It's set in the near future where even pets have become virtual material and only seen by those wearing the "glasses".

Dennou Coil tells the story about a girl named "Yūko Okonogi" moves with her family to the city of Daikoku, the technological center of the emerging half-virtual world. "Yūko" (later on called "Yasako" which means kind girl) joins her grandmother's "investigation agency" comprised of children equipped with virtual tools and metatags.

As their research turns up mounting evidence of children who have been whisked away to the mysterious "other side" of reality, they find themselves entangled in a conspiracy to cover up the dangerous true nature and history of the new technology.


I think this anime is quite unique! Given the fact it was in production for a year or so, this anime brings about a truly original storyline with original setting. It might look childish at first glance, but it's really beyond that! Come to think of it, this story reminds me of another story (the game .Hack// G.U trilogy's).
I can't help but wish to have lived in such a world where virtual meets reality! Imagine seeing virtual data fragments and have cyber pets, let alone having a portable-like PC with you for you to access anytime since you're half virtual now!
Yasako finds herself in this strange rumor about a girl called "Michiko-san" who has died and her soul was pulled to other side of the cyber world. When "Yūko Amasawa" (later on called "Isako" which means brave girl) tries hard to find illegals (some sort of computer virus) in hope of finding kirabugs (metabugs are some sort of fragmented data that is only valuable to kids, and the kirabugs is said to hold special powers) that according to a rumor is said to hold the power of opening the door to the other side where she believes her older brother's soul is trapped.

This anime is pretty good! I recommend it!


I'd give this true piece of art a good 9/10! The kids as the protagonists is quite disturbing to me so that's why I didn't give it a full 10/10!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Anime: Zombie Loan

Zombie Loan


Zombie loan tells the story of a young girl named "Michiru Kita" who possess the so called "shinigami no me" which translates to "death god eyes" that can see black rings around people's nick. The rings darkens over time as the person approaches their time of death. Michiru Kita meets two boys from her school ("Chika Akatsuki" and "Shito Tachibana") that have these rings and when she looks into the matter, she discovers that they are in fact dead and had to make a deal with an agency called "Zombie-Loan" and they have to kill zombies to pay back their debt. Her life gets more complicated.
Zombie loan is a great anime. It offers a good, lightweight,not-complicated story that will serve as a good time distraction. It will keep you entertained most of the time and you'll actually will be wanting even more. The fact that it only has 11 episodes is kind of good and bad, because when it ends you'd find yourself wanting more and more. But that's not entirely wrong of you, because of the fact the ending wasn't so satisfying at all! In fact, it was missing a lot of "closure" if you will, and leaves you hanging scratching your head wondering about alot of unexplained things! But that doesn't cover the fact it's a good ride to enjoy!
The character development wasn't that great and it could need a little more depth. There are certain unanswered questions that most people seem to share. Like, how did "Michiru-san" ever get the shinigami eyes? Or what "Bekko-san" is up to? These questions and more will remain unanswered, I guess.
I give this anime a good 8.5/10. It deserves it for it's good story-line and funny moments.